Portia Derby
Delivering on Our Commitment to You
Transnet Limited is a public company with the South African government running as its sole shareholder. Both operating and controlling South Africa’s major transport infrastructures, Transnet is also responsible for ensuring that the country’s transport industries operate according to world-class standards and that they form an integral part of the overall economy.
Transnet is transforming into a focused freight transport and logistics company comprising its ports, rail and pipeline assets. This refocus is designed to ensure that the company delivers a reliable, consistent, safe and integrated freight service to all its customers; an acceptable rate of return to its shareholder; and is a choice and sustainable employer. Transnet is devoted to transparency, integrity and efficiency.
A growing Transnet is an integral part of the South African economy and an important contributor to the 6% plus GDP target envisaged in AsgiSA. Transnet is investing R78 billion on revitalizing and extending its infrastructure (widening and deepening ports; building a new pipeline and buying hundreds of new locomotives) and addressing the maintenance backlog, especially at Transnet Freight Rail, over the next five years.
Transnet is not only vital to South Africa’s development, but it also combines forces with other businesses in order to expand transport operations across Africa and beyond. By doing so, Transnet assists in creating valuable business opportunities that extend far beyond the shorelines and borders of the country.
Operating Divisions
Transnet is made up of the following operating divisions:
• Transnet Freight Rail- the freight rail division
• Transnet Rail Engineering- the rolling stock maintenance business
• Transnet National Ports Authority -fulfils the landlord function for South Africa’s port system
• Transnet Port Terminals managing port and cargo terminal operations in the nation’s leading ports), and
• Transnet Pipelines - the fuel and gas pipeline business, pumps and manages the storage of petroleum and gas products through its network of high-pressure, long distance pipelines)
Transnet Freight Rail
The largest division of Transnet, Transnet Freight Rail (formerly known as Spoornet) bases its core competency on the transportation of freight, containers and mainline passengers on rail.
Coal is a vital export commodity, generating billions of Rands in foreign exchange earnings for South Africa and rightfully deserving its pseudonym 'Black Gold'.
COALlink is a specialist business unit that provides world-class transport for South Africa's export coal from the Mpumalanga coalfields to the Richards Bay coal terminal. It is one of the world's most efficient bulk export logistic supply chains, and its steam-coal export tonnage is second only to Australia’s.
For the future, it is Transnet’s intention to strengthen its partnerships to derive greater value from the freight logistics system.
Transnet Rail Engineering
Transnet Rail Engineering is the backbone of South Africa’s railway industry with eight product-focused businesses, 150 depots, seven factories and 15, 000 employees countrywide. The organization is dedicated to in-service maintenance, repair, upgrade, conversion and manufacture of freight wagons, mainline and suburban coaches, diesel and electric locomotives as well as wheels, rotating machines, rolling stock equipment, castings auxiliary equipment and services.
The business objective for Transnet Rail Engineering, over the next few years, is expected to grow strongly in the locomotive and wagon manufacture areas as the capacity for iron ore, coal and general freight continue to expand.
Transnet Pipelines
Transnet Pipelines, formerly known as Petronet, the custodian of the country’s strategic pipeline assets, is currently servicing two key industries (fuel and gas) by transporting petroleum and gas products over varying distances. The business, having been established in 1965, is integral to the well-being of the South African economy.
The liquid fuels network traverses the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Gauteng, North West and Mpumalanga. The intake stations are the two Durban refineries - the crude refinery at Coalbrook (Natref) and the Sasol 2 and Sasol 3 synfuel plants at Secunda. The gas pipeline, a converted line previously used for liquids, runs from Secuda to Durban via Empangeni. Take-off points are at Newcastle and Richards Bay as well as along the route between Empangeni and Durban.
Transnet National Ports Authority
Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) is the custodian of the country’s primary trading hubs, managing the most vital conduits of the country’s imports and exports. Eight of the country’s major seaports are controlled and managed by the TNPA namely; Richards Bay, Durban, Saldanha, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, East London, Mossel Bay and Ngqura (Coega) in the Eastern Cape.
Transnet Port Terminals
Since its inception Transnet Port Terminals has played a key role in supporting the South African government's export-led growth strategy.
Most Southern African import and export commodities are handled through South Africa's six largest ports Richards Bay, Durban, Saldanha, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and East London. Port Terminals not only handles these cargoes but implements logistics management solutions for its container, bulk, break-bulk (multi-purpose) and car terminal operations.
Transport Foundation
At the core of Transnet is their belief that by attempting to improve upon South Africa’s social conditions, so can they develop upon business conditions. The Transnet Foundation, the corporate social investment aim of Transnet believes that whilst many other organisations may view social investment as a means to attaining goodwill within the community, Transnet has an additional mission. The Transnet Foundation is based on empowerment towards the future and acquiring selected initiatives that will provide long-term sustainability not only to the organisation, but to the country as a whole.
Transnet Foundation supports projects under the following portfolio areas: Education, Health, Arts and Culture, Sport and Under-utilised Assets.
Transnet is a focused freight transport company, delivering integrated, efficient, safe, reliable and cost-effective services to promote economic growth in South Africa. This is to be achieved through increasing our market share, improving productivity and profitability and by providing appropriate capacity to our customers, ahead of demand.
Full Name of Company: Transnet Limited
Nature of Business: Transport and logistics
Transnet Ltd
Group Chief Executive: Portia Derby
Transnet Freight Rail (Acting): T. Morwe
Transnet National Port Authority: K. Phihlela
Transnet Port Terminals (Acting): K.X.T Socikwa
Transnet Pipelines: C. Moller
Transnet Rail Engineering: R. Vallihu
Transnet Limited Head Office
Physical Address: Carlton Centre, 150 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg, 2001
Postal Address: PO Box 72501, Parkview, 2122, South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)11 308 3000
Fax: +27 (0)11 308 2638
E-mail: thandi.mlangeni@transnet.net
General Enquiries
Transnet Freight Rail:
Tel: +27 (0)11 774 4944
Transnet National Ports Authority:
Tel: +27 (0)11 351 9001
Transnet Port Terminals:
Tel: +27 (0)31 308 8300
Transnet Pipelines:
Tel: +27 (0)31 361 1300
Transnet Rail Engineering:
Tel: +27 (0)12 391 1301
Website: http://www.transnet.co.za
Transnet Limited
Transnet Limited is a public company with the South African government running as its sole shareholder. Both operating and controlling South Africa’s major transport infrastructures, Transnet is also responsible for ensuring that the country’s transport industries operate according to world-class standards and that they form an integral part of the overall economy