Course Overview
Manufacturing battles to attract and retain women in leadership positions. With advanced technology changing the future skill set required in the industry, manufacturers need to tap the largest talent pool possible. Research has shown that women in leadership positions can provide greater diversity of perspectives, innovation and a more balanced approach to management. Yet women leaders still experience significant challenges and contradictions in influencing their male-dominated organisations. Simply increasing the number of women leaders in organisations is no guarantee for the empowerment of other women or the transformation of organisations.
This course explores the specific gender challenges experienced in the manufacturing context, both from a leadership and blue-collar worker perspective. It explores how to develop your authentic and distinctive leadership qualities to impact the culture of your organisation. It also highlights issues affecting women in blue collar positions to promote action towards greater inclusivity of women at all levels of manufacturing. The aim of the programme is to equip women leaders as change agents within their organisations by championing these issues with knowledge, self-awareness and personal effectiveness.
Course Cost
The course costs R12 780 per participant. This is fully inclusive of all refreshments, teas and includes lunch over the three days, as well as stationery. The cost excludes accommodation.
Venue and Accommodation
The course is run at the TWIMS campus, 74 Everton Road, Kloof. Each day starts at 8:30 and concludes at 16:30. Accommodation is available on-site at an additional cost. Please visit the TWIMS website (www.twimsafrica.com) for further details.