For the first time we as a country and as a world have experienced a severe pandemic which has affected even first world economies.
Covid 19 has shaken the world, which is in the process of rebooting and ensuring that countries reprioritise from capitalism to a people centred society.
The rich will be poorer, the poor will be starving, governments will be realigned with competent leaders hopefully and healthcare will be prioritised.
In South Africa, we are fortunate that we have amazing citizens, businesses and organisations who have selflessly assisted people in need by providing relief with food distributions and support to the disadvantaged people of our country through various projects. In doing so they have risked their health and lives to help others.
The Minara Chamber of Commerce under the leadership of its President Solly Suleman and supported by the board of directors from the beginning of this pandemic created platforms for businesses to communicate, seek advice and engage government on various matters through our collaborations and relationships with officials which has to a great extent provided relief to many businesses and individuals.
We encourage you to join as a member from as little as R500 per annum. The membership is not only a contribution to the organisation but entitles you to member benefits such as:
· Engaging local and national Government on matters pertaining to businesses, specific to your business
· Mediate on your behalf for business visas that may be delayed
· Collaborations with foreign embassies to source legitimate suppliers and guidance to the country’s specific business procedures
· Networking, training, information seminars and workshops
· Women and youth focused events to support specific challenges and promote opportunities
· Business support to membership and providing leads when available
· Promotion of import and export opportunities
· Outbound delegation opportunities including travel incentives as available by partner forums
· Advertising on Minara social platforms (guidelines provided)
The next 24 to 60 months are going to be very challenging and many businesses will close up, millions will be out of jobs, relief organisations will run out of funds. We will engage with our members and identify those amongst you that can be of assistance to help restart businesses, provide funding, expertise in support and re-engineering businesses, identifying new opportunities whether in retail, wholesale or manufacturing. Skills development, training, youth and women empowerment is more relevant now than before.

To join the Chamber today email for the application form.