Mandy Rootman is the owner of Maraschino Marketing Collective, a marketing agency in Ballito. Bursting with boundless energy, she is fuelled by a passion for her business.
Entrusted with the needs of various businesses, the company enhances professional endeavours and enriches their clients’ personal lives, allowing them to excel in other aspects. Mandy empowers her staff and is a true activist who thrives in serving her community.
She is a pillar of strength to everyone who knows her. Beyond business, Mandy is a dedicated wife, mom, and glammy to four cherished grandchildren.
The twelve women featured in the Sep edition of Business Sense, are the first of those that are being recognised in this year’s KZN Top Business Women powered by DRG, BusinessFit and Mangwanani African Spa initiative. We look forward to introducing the remainder of our 2023 participants in the October edition of Business Sense.
For more information go to: www.kzntopbusiness.com/top-business-women-nominations