MAKING THINGS HAPPEN POSITIVELY The KZN Business Portfolio was created to give national and international potential investors a quick glimpse of the economic horizon of the province. As such, over the last quarter of a century, we have been showcasing KZN’s successes to the rest of Africa and the world. And that the KZN Business Portfolio does particularly well and that is thanks to all the diversified companies’ and organisations’ profiles grouped on one portal. We thank you for your participation. A lot has happened over the past three years; we don’t need reminding. Businesses have come and gone but many solid rock originals are still standing tall. Indirectly and directly their contributions to the economy of KZN are part of the qualifying truths that contributes to the trust and confidence needed to invest in the KZN economy. At this year’s Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards the atmosphere was quite something. Starting with Martin Roe who travelled 50000 miles to tell us how great we are. “I’m an English guy who’s based in Dubai and has flown from America to Durban to tell you how great Africa is, and I guess be confident enough to tell you that in spite of the headwinds we all face, the future looks very bright.
And then we encouraged Doc Imtiaz Sooliman to take the stage, he quickly tapped into Martin’s positive closing statement and went on to scold and encourage both the public and private sector alike in only a way that he can do. He said, “Its our responsibility to fix SA. Ubuntu, he added, was about everybody doing their bit to save South Africa.” Post the awards; I’ve had meetings with very prominent influencers in both the business and the public sectors. I’m extremely encouraged by the new revival attitude of ‘let’s get on and do what’s got to be done’. So, this is also where the KZN Top Business comes into play. It is that regrouping of successful companies as a united front highlighting how business should be done and encouraging others to do the same. In addition, KZN Top Business has evolved over the years into an annual membership programme with gigantic benefits not only to the KZN Province but all featured companies. The value-added concessions to members include hard copies, ebooks, blogs, newsletters, press releases, mail campaigns, YouTube channel, social networks, international linkages, pressroom services, webinars and the list goes on. We believe that through the KZN Top Business Portfolio we provide a launch pad for the future of business in KwaZulu-Natal. Though collaboration we can continue to make things happen.
Roaming reporter
KZN Top Business