Andy Gwynn coaches business owners on how use LinkedIn more effectively to easily connect with ideal prospects, form relationships, develop conversations and close sales.
His recent KZN Top Business masterclasses in this regard have been invaluable. The first webinar covered about why you should be using LinkedIn and the two key sides to LinkedIn – your profile and your strategy. The second webinar covered what you should be doing with your profile. Notably your profile needs to:
Get found
Give value to the reader
Prove your credibility
The third session will cover how to write magic messages to engage with your connections to
generate sales leads. In addition, Andy will cover how to write powerful posts that get read,
generate engagement and are converted.
Andy says, “Don't assume that people will pay attention to you just because you have a particular set of skills or knowledge. You need to show your audience why they should listen to you. You need to show why your content is valuable enough for them to interrupt their day to consume it.”
So, reserve you place for the next LinkedIn webinar with Andy on the 19th of August at 10am.
Reserve your place
The session is interactive, so please ask your questions while you have the LinkedIn guru at your disposal.
And if you haven’t already done so find some time over the next few days to watch the first two
Part 1: Using LinkedIn to generate more business
Supercharge Your Inbound Lead Generation with LinkedIn
In addition, connect with Andy on, start utilising LinkedIn it more effectively and set yourself apart from your competition!