Whether you find yourself in the midst of a new year or any other point in time, consider taking a moment to evaluate your financial situation to see where you can save more money? When it comes to extra savings, every little bit saved could help you cover unexpected expense, starting a family, funding education or contributing towards that bucket list item. One way you can achieve this is by switching your home loan to SA Home Loans — and it's easier than you think.
Why should I switch my home loan in the first place?
Even though you may have been happy with the term and conditions of your home loan when it was first approved, it may no longer meet your needs. If you haven't taken a good, look at your home loan statement in a long time, there's a good chance that you could be losing out on an opportunity to save hundreds of rands with a lower instalment. Simply switching to another home loan provider. You could experience many benefits, including qualifying for a lower interest rate, increased loan term, and accessing available equity in your property.
Isn't the process of switching home loans complicated and expensive?
Many homeowners realise they could qualify for better home loan rates and terms but often put off investigating their options because they think it will cost more than it's worth, or that it takes a lot of effort that they simply don't have the time for. While this can be true in some instances, it does depend on which financial provider you switch your home loan to. This is where SA Home Loans comes in.
Why switch your home loan to SA Home Loans?
Here are some reasons why you should consider switching your home loan to us.
We offer you an instant, obligation-free estimation: Our online switching calculator allows you to input a few values concerning your current home loan to estimate what you could save and how much you can improve your monthly cash flow with, after moving your revised home loan. Alternately, if you prefer, one of our expert consultants can assist you telephonically with a free assessment.
You can apply in person: If you prefer to do things face to face and not over the phone or internet, you can visit one of our many national locations in the Western Cape, North West province, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, Eastern Cape or the Free State..
We offer added protection: Switch to SA Home Loans and you will be able to link a comprehensive Home Owner's Cover to your home loan to insure common structures in your home and property against loss or damage. We also offer qualifying clients the option to link their home loan to a Bond Protection Plan that could settle a certain amount of their outstanding bond balance or payments in the event of death, disability or retrenchment.
Still have questions or concerns? We offer customers a convenient Switching Toolkit that outlines the steps you will follow to switch your home loan to SA Home Loan and how you can get started with the process. This will give you an idea of what documentation or paperwork you may need, what the application process look like and what steps we will follow.
Are you ready to consider your options? Give us a call on 0860 2 4 6 8 10 to speak to a consultant or leave your details and we’ll call you back.