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Writer's pictureTracy

Successful leaders let others succeed.

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

In analysing the successful companies profiled in the KZN Top Business Portfolio, there was a common thread running through each of their achievements and that was effective leadership. The KZN Leaders Portfolio was then initiated with the desire to get to know more about these leaders of business. The overall vision is to network successful people with successful people and ultimately encouraging other people to become successful through their stories. Learning about some of the various factors that have motivated these men and women, and driven their careers, has been a very rewarding undertaking. Each leader has in-depth experience in their particular field of expertise as well as much insight into business management and leadership. We have enjoyed hearing of their successes as well as their abilities to overcome challenges and strive for innovative approaches to doing business. Of significance is that a common thread in their business journeys is the desire to make a difference in the lives of the people their companies impact, very often by going far above the norm. The growing collection of business leaders’ stories prompted the creation of a website We look forward to adding more business stories to our collection. As we always say, “success breeds success”.


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