UA-8884037-5 East Coast Radio, ECR is the leading English commercial radio station in KwaZulu-Natal, boasting a loyal listenership of 1 265 000East Coast Radio is KwaZulu-Natal’s number one for hit music and creating memorable moments that evoke emotions, connecting families to KZN and the world. ECR is the leading English commercial radio station in KwaZulu-Natal, boasting a loyal listenership of 1 265 000 (Source: BRC RAM, April 2021 – August 2021). The station’s core audience comprises of both males and females in LSM 7-10, aged 25 to 49 years. East Coast Radio provides award-winning entertainment with shows like The Breakfast Show hosted by Darren, Keri & Sky. The team are well-known and loved members of the East Coast Radio family. The other flagship show making big waves in KZN is The Drive Show hosted by Stacey and J Sbu. The station also offers the widest variety of hit music in the province. Not only does ECR keep listeners entertained via conventional means, but the station also offers unrivalled, innovative multi-media solutions. As an evolving media brand, delivers on average over 600 000 unique browsers and close to 2 million page views per month, making it one of the top three radio station websites in South Africa. In one week, the station reaches 3.9 million people on Facebook and boasts 430 000 post engagements and 400 000 video views. The station’s ongoing research keeps East Coast Radio highly relevant and part of the ethos of KwaZulu-Natal. ECR is rooted in the social fabric of KZN, hosting some of the province’s biggest events. While COVID-19 has limited large gatherings, East Coast Radio looks forward to much-loved events like the Big Walk making a return. The family-friendly event attracted 30 000 participants to Durban’s promenade. This thread of social and community cohesion carries through at East Coast Radio’s Summer Body Bootcamp. The station brings together people who have a love for fitness and the outdoors. The Bootcamp, which sees over 300 fitness enthusiasts participating in a live two-hour workout session with experienced trainers, is an amalgamation of celebrating every body type, KZN’s beautiful weather and NO.1 Hit Music. Likewise, the East Coast Radio Business Breakfast and East Coast Radio Women’s Business Breakfast have become key events on the annual KZN corporate calendar. The station play host to the country’s top forward thinkers, thought leaders and strategists. East Coast Radio goes beyond radio, each year the station galvanises hundreds of thousands of listeners to care for the less fortunate through their CSI initiatives. Award-winning on-air programming such as The Big Favour with Darren, Keri and Sky and the station’s key social upliftment initiative, East Coast Radio’s Toy Story, all plug into parent company, Kagiso Media’s “building communities for good” ethos. Powered by creativity, East Coast Radio provides world-class innovation. A prime example would be the launch of East Coast Gold. The award-winning digital radio station caters to music lovers who are looking for a music experience that embraces their love of classic hits from the 60’s,70’s,80’s and 90’s. East Coast Gold is accessible via the East Coast Radio app and on the station’s website. In September this year, East Coast Radio launched a first for SA radio, their sub-brand East Coast Productions, a one-stop-shop offering tailored, 360-degree content production packages, suitable for any brand. Sourcing new talent and developing existing talent, crafting, and supporting an in-house culture of excellence and being at the forefront of innovation have all contributed to East Coast Radio’s success.BONI MCHUNU, managing director at East Coast Radio (ECR) - KZN's No.1 Hit Music Station, is passionate about KwaZulu-Natal and its people. Boni was born and educated in Pietermaritzburg. She is the youngest of five sisters and after her mother died when she was 10 years old, Boni was brought up by a single dad, who she calls her 'Rockstar'. Boni credits her success to her father who encouraged her and her four sisters to take their education seriously. "Growing up poor in Pietermaritzburg, my father taught me that I could only improve my life through education. A statement he made had a profound impact on her as a young girl and has stuck with her ever since - 'The decisions you make about education today, must be the decisions you are happy to live with tomorrow'. This statement, she said, encouraged her to do well in school. The best marketing experience After matriculating in 1997, Boni enrolled at the University of South Africa to study marketing. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in marketing, a diploma in business management and diploma in project management. Recently, Boni attended the international executive leadership development programme at Wits and London business schools. Her first job was with ABSA and her responsibilities related to marketing the financial services of ABSA. This was followed by working for another corporate giant, Unilever. Of her time there, she says, "I believe it was some of the best marketing experience anyone can get, as I worked in different categories from home, personal care to foods." Before joining ECR, Boni was part of the executive team at Tourism KZN. The opportunity to work for the provincial tourism authority, representing KwaZulu-Natal and South Africa, she says was one of the highlights of her professional career. Notably, she got to travel to more than 72 countries around the world and in her own words, "The experience cemented the fact that South Africa is the best country in the world and solidified my pride in being proudly South African." Influencing people's lives Now as, Boni says that she absolutely loves that East Coast Radio has so much influence in the lives of the people living in the province. "I consider this opportunity as a privilege that I will cherish for as long as I live." "ECR gives us the platform to make a difference in people's lives by influencing and connecting KZN to the world, and we bring the world to South Africa, particularly to KZN. We are proudly KZN as we are a brand that considers ourselves as a fabric of KZN that binds people together. KZN's social matters, matter to us, whether funny, sad, social, or lifestyle, are all important to us." "Growing the station's brand awareness is my career highlight. The ECR brand awareness is above 90% across all demographics in KZN. I am glad that the work I've put into making it more diverse, in terms of listenership, has paid off. This is evident in the growth of our audience, largely due to our brand's association with all things related to KZN. I look forward to continue growing the brand even further." Business is business Apart from being a successful businesswoman, Boni is also a superwoman to three kids of her own, and a wife to her loving husband. Boni says that that despite the usual everyday challenges at home, at work and in the community, the greatest challenge that she has faced has been seeing people judging her based on her gender and race. She does not let this get to her and her biggest career highlight is that she has been able to move from different industries with ease. "The experience gained from all these industries has been enormous for me, but most importantly, the experience has taught me that business is business, regardless of the different industries." As a woman in business. Boni says, 'I learnt early on that prospective employers care about whether you've got the ability, willingness and right mindset to do the job at hand." "As women, we all need to believe unconditionally that our passion can create the life we really want. We have the in-built ability to do whatever we put our minds to and need not wait for things to fall into our laps. Opportunities exist and we need to seize those opportunities and make things happen for ourselves, rather than waiting for society's approval." Remain true to yourself However, Boni says that discipline is a bridge between her goals and achieving them, "In everything I do, I believe focus, attitude and discipline has brought me this far." She adds, "I believe in simplicity, authenticity, straight talk and sustainability in everything that I do. Sustainability for me refers to putting systems in place that will build myself and companies that will compete for the future, with or without me. You must remain true to yourself, find mentors for every area of your life and don't waste time on negativity." In reflecting on her future goals Boni says, "One thing I would like to do in this lifetime, is to create a Boni Mchunu Foundation that will assist the underprivileged kids, especially from the township I grew up in, Imbali Township." Boni's motto in life and in business is that failure is merely incomplete success, to be persistent and be grateful for what you have, so good things can manifest. "I believe in positive reinforcement, not letting your past or present situation in life define your future."BONI MCHUNU, managing director at East Coast Radio (ECR) - KZN's No.1 Hit Music Station, is passionate about KwaZulu-Natal and its people. Boni was born and educated in Pietermaritzburg. She is the youngest of five sisters and after her mother died when she was 10 years old, Boni was brought up by a single dad, who she calls her 'Rockstar'. Boni credits her success to her father who encouraged her and her four sisters to take their education seriously. "Growing up poor in Pietermaritzburg, my father taught me that I could only improve my life through education. A statement he made had a profound impact on her as a young girl and has stuck with her ever since - 'The decisions you make about education today, must be the decisions you are happy to live with tomorrow'. This statement, she said, encouraged her to do well in school. The best marketing experience After matriculating in 1997, Boni enrolled at the University of South Africa to study marketing. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in marketing, a diploma in business management and diploma in project management. Recently, Boni attended the international executive leadership development programme at Wits and London business schools. Her first job was with ABSA and her responsibilities related to marketing the financial services of ABSA. This was followed by working for another corporate giant, Unilever. Of her time there, she says, "I believe it was some of the best marketing experience anyone can get, as I worked in different categories from home, personal care to foods." Before joining ECR, Boni was part of the executive team at Tourism KZN. The opportunity to work for the provincial tourism authority, representing KwaZulu-Natal and South Africa, she says was one of the highlights of her professional career. Notably, she got to travel to more than 72 countries around the world and in her own words, "The experience cemented the fact that South Africa is the best country in the world and solidified my pride in being proudly South African." Influencing people's lives Now as, Boni says that she absolutely loves that East Coast Radio has so much influence in the lives of the people living in the province. "I consider this opportunity as a privilege that I will cherish for as long as I live." "ECR gives us the platform to make a difference in people's lives by influencing and connecting KZN to the world, and we bring the world to South Africa, particularly to KZN. We are proudly KZN as we are a brand that considers ourselves as a fabric of KZN that binds people together. KZN's social matters, matter to us, whether funny, sad, social, or lifestyle, are all important to us." "Growing the station's brand awareness is my career highlight. The ECR brand awareness is above 90% across all demographics in KZN. I am glad that the work I've put into making it more diverse, in terms of listenership, has paid off. This is evident in the growth of our audience, largely due to our brand's association with all things related to KZN. I look forward to continue growing the brand even further." Business is business Apart from being a successful businesswoman, Boni is also a superwoman to three kids of her own, and a wife to her loving husband. Boni says that that despite the usual everyday challenges at home, at work and in the community, the greatest challenge that she has faced has been seeing people judging her based on her gender and race. She does not let this get to her and her biggest career highlight is that she has been able to move from different industries with ease. "The experience gained from all these industries has been enormous for me, but most importantly, the experience has taught me that business is business, regardless of the different industries." As a woman in business. Boni says, 'I learnt early on that prospective employers care about whether you've got the ability, willingness and right mindset to do the job at hand." "As women, we all need to believe unconditionally that our passion can create the life we really want. We have the in-built ability to do whatever we put our minds to and need not wait for things to fall into our laps. Opportunities exist and we need to seize those opportunities and make things happen for ourselves, rather than waiting for society's approval." Remain true to yourself However, Boni says that discipline is a bridge between her goals and achieving them, "In everything I do, I believe focus, attitude and discipline has brought me this far." She adds, "I believe in simplicity, authenticity, straight talk and sustainability in everything that I do. Sustainability for me refers to putting systems in place that will build myself and companies that will compete for the future, with or without me. You must remain true to yourself, find mentors for every area of your life and don't waste time on negativity." In reflecting on her future goals Boni says, "One thing I would like to do in this lifetime, is to create a Boni Mchunu Foundation that will assist the underprivileged kids, especially from the township I grew up in, Imbali Township." Boni's motto in life and in business is that failure is merely incomplete success, to be persistent and be grateful for what you have, so good things can manifest. "I believe in positive reinforcement, not letting your past or present situation in life define your future."
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ECR is the leading English commercial radio station in KwaZulu-Natal, boasting a loyal listenership of 1 265 000



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Boni Mchunu

KZN’s No.1 Hit Music Station

East Coast Radio is KwaZulu-Natal’s number one for hit music and creating memorable moments that evoke emotions, connecting families to KZN and the world.

ECR is the leading English commercial radio station in KwaZulu-Natal, boasting a loyal listenership of 1 265 000 (Source: BRC RAM, April 2021 – August 2021). The station’s core audience comprises of both males and females in LSM 7-10, aged 25 to 49 years.

East Coast Radio provides award-winning entertainment with shows like The Breakfast Show hosted by Darren, Keri & Sky. The team are well-known and loved members of the East Coast Radio family. The other flagship show making big waves in KZN is The Drive Show hosted by Stacey and J Sbu.

The station also offers the widest variety of hit music in the province. Not only does ECR keep listeners entertained via conventional means, but the station also offers unrivalled, innovative multi-media solutions. As an evolving media brand, delivers on average over 600 000 unique browsers and close to 2 million page views per month, making it one of the top three radio station websites in South Africa. In one week, the station reaches 3.9 million people on Facebook and boasts 430 000 post engagements and 400 000 video views.

The station’s ongoing research keeps East Coast Radio highly relevant and part of the ethos of KwaZulu-Natal. ECR is rooted in the social fabric of KZN, hosting some of the province’s biggest events.

While COVID-19 has limited large gatherings, East Coast Radio looks forward to much-loved events like the Big Walk making a return. The family-friendly event attracted 30 000 participants to Durban’s promenade.

This thread of social and community cohesion carries through at East Coast Radio’s Summer Body Bootcamp. The station brings together people who have a love for fitness and the outdoors. The Bootcamp, which sees over 300 fitness enthusiasts participating in a live two-hour workout session with experienced trainers, is an amalgamation of celebrating every body type, KZN’s beautiful weather and NO.1 Hit Music.

Likewise, the East Coast Radio Business Breakfast and East Coast Radio Women’s Business Breakfast have become key events on the annual KZN corporate calendar. The station play host to the country’s top forward thinkers, thought leaders and strategists.

East Coast Radio goes beyond radio, each year the station galvanises hundreds of thousands of listeners to care for the less fortunate through their CSI initiatives.

Award-winning on-air programming such as The Big Favour with Darren, Keri and Sky and the station’s key social upliftment initiative, East Coast Radio’s Toy Story, all plug into parent company, Kagiso Media’s “building communities for good” ethos.

Powered by creativity, East Coast Radio provides world-class innovation. A prime example would be the launch of East Coast Gold. The award-winning digital radio station caters to music lovers who are looking for a music experience that embraces their love of classic hits from the 60’s,70’s,80’s and 90’s. East Coast Gold is accessible via the East Coast Radio app and on the station’s website.

In September this year, East Coast Radio launched a first for SA radio, their sub-brand East Coast Productions, a one-stop-shop offering tailored, 360-degree content production packages, suitable for any brand.

Sourcing new talent and developing existing talent, crafting, and supporting an in-house culture of excellence and being at the forefront of innovation have all contributed to East Coast Radio’s success.

Full Name of Company: East Coast Radio, a division of Kagiso Media (Pty) Ltd
Nature of Business: Radio and media industry
Services / Products: An English medium entertainment brand. Our commercial product is advertising space, branded content, endorsements, sponsorships and partnerships both on-air and digital.
Date Established: October 1996
Customer Base: 1 265 000 (BRC RAM, Apr 2021–Aug 2021)
No. of Employees: 90 (including independent contractors)
Auditors / Accountants: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Bankers: FNB

Managing Director: Boni Mchunu
Management Accountant: Mzuvele Mthethwa
Commercial Manager: Malani Van Huyssteen
Programming Manager: Zane Derbyshire
Marketing Manager: Tanya Davis

Head Office - Umhlanga
Physical Address: 313-315 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320
Postal Address: PO Box 25095, Gateway, Umhlanga
Rocks, 4321
Tel: +27 (0)31 570 9495

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