UA-8884037-5 Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd (IDC) , The IDC has offices in all nine provinces in order to provide niche and innovative funding products that are aimed at enhancing and growing the country’s regional economiesThe Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) was established in 1940 to promote economic growth and industrial development in South Africa and, by extension, the rest of the African continent. The IDC has offices in all nine provinces in order to provide niche and innovative funding products that are aimed at enhancing and growing the country’s regional economies. Under the strong leadership of KZN Regional Manager, Pat Moodley the KwaZulu Natal (KZN) office is flying the colours of the IDC really high. The KZN regional office can always be counted amongst the top performing offices within the IDC and once again secured its position as the second best performing province in the last financial year outside head office. The Corporation’s key sectors in the province include the textile, clothing, and footwear industries which are key drivers of the KZN economy, especially because of the easy access to the Durban port for exports and imports. Other economic sectors supported include agro-processing, chemicals, plastics and medical products; wood and furniture products; automotive and transportation; machinery and equipment; electronics, basic metals, tourism, infrastructure, as well as energy. The KZN regional office is well networked within the province of KwaZulu-Natal. “We have a stakeholder engagement plan and one of our key focus areas is visiting the eight district municipalities every quarter, outside eThekwini Municipality. Our team meets with each of the local economic development managers to build a pipeline of projects so that we can extend our reach to all corners of the province and stimulate investment in the region,” explains Moodley. “With industrialisation comes development, which includes job creation and localisation. An additional element, which we actively focus on is the growth and empowerment of black industrialists, youth and women owned businesses,” he added. During the Covid-19 lockdown, the IDC went through a realignment process to enable the Corporation to better serve its clients. As a result, the Small Business Finance and Regions (SBF) strategic business unit, which houses all regional offices, was established to streamline offerings and better serve the IDC’s diverse clients, especially those outside of Gauteng. The realignment process brought about a key focus on the SME sector and enhancement of turnaround times for clients. To reduce the number of touch points, the regional offices now handle funding proposals up to R20 million from cradle to grave, while transactions over this amount are immediately referred to the relevant business unit at head office for further processing. This process means that the client deals with the relevant person from day one, significantly reducing the turnaround time for applications. The KZN regional office has a strong and committed team that is client orientated, focused, and has an open-door policy. They are there to help all clients and have strong relationships with other funding entities in the province. If a project does not meet the IDC’s mandate, the KZN team goes the extra mile to not only refer them to a more suitable institution but walk the journey with the client to ensure that they land in the correct hands. “Our responsibility as a development finance institution is to assist clients. If we can’t assist in line with our mandate, we will pass clients on to other relevant development finance institutes with whom we have very good relationships,” explained Moodley. A recent beneficiary of IDC funding is ARTsolar, which is South African owned and based in New Germany. The company, one of two local manufacturers specialising in high volume manufacturing of solar panels, has now embarked on a massive upgrade of its production facility. The IDC’s investment has resulted in significant employment opportunities created by the Durban- based company and extends within other companies in the value chain. Significantly, the KZN regional office played a pivotal role in assisting the province recover from the unrest experienced in July 2021 and the floods in April 2022. “In response to the unrest and the floods the KZN team worked around the clock to ensure that as many businesses were swiftly put back online and were able to operate again. We really didn’t close the door on anyone and we tried to take away some of the pain and devastation that both businesses and the community were experiencing,” explained Moodley. The IDC’s post-unrest and flood relief interventions not only provided funding but assisted in ‘building business back better’. “Where necessary, old equipment was replaced, which has resulted in greater efficiencies and more globally competitive operations. In some cases, this intervention allowed not only jobs to be preserved, but more jobs to be created,” explained Moodley. In response to the hardships that were being faced, the IDC further assisted eligible businesses by extending funds at zero percent interest over 12 months which was followed by a very low interest rate thereafter. Grants which allowed fixed expenses such as salaries to be paid while rebuilding was in progress also largely assisted government’s efforts in the recovery and stabilising of the KZN’s economy. In addition to the business recovery efforts, the IDC also has a very strong corporate social responsibility programme which also played a huge role in assisting affected communities, especially those in remote and rural areas, to rebuild their lives. Moodley explained, “We have a long history of working among the communities of KZN. During the unrest and the floods, we made sure that the underprivileged communities affected were given the assistance they needed to ease their plight.” The IDC’s KZN team is committed to working with entrepreneurs and communities alike to grow the province’s economy by providing funding which will enable job creation and improve the lives of its citizens.PAT MOODLEY has been in the financial sector for over 30 years, where the desire to promote sustainable business development and economic growth has shaped his career. After completing his initial university degree, Moodley obtained a position in the banking sector focusing on financing of SMMEs and corporates. This experience, as well as working for other finance institutions, resulted in a position at the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) where he has worked for the past 19 years. Moodley says, "Working for IDC is not only a job, but it is also a calling." He explained that he is driven by the desire to grow viable and sustainable businesses that have social impact; especially businesses that create jobs to counter the high rate of unemployment. Moodley says that he is motivated daily by the fact that once he reaches retirement age, he will be able to reflect on his achievements and the difference that he has contributed to enhance the business sector in KZN under his leadership at the IDC. "I am inspired by making a difference. When you finance businesses and can see the growth in these entities, it gives a great sense of accomplishment. He added that when you finance a business that creates jobs, then families can enhance their lives and secure a better future for their children. By creating jobs, we are creating a sustainable country that ensures our future. Young and upcoming university graduates have a likelihood of being employed locally rather than moving out of the country." The commitment to his multifaceted role is apparent in the long and demanding hours that Moodley puts in to ensure that his clients' needs are met. He says, "Working at the IDC is not a standard eight to five job."Moodley describes himself as being very people oriented and has an open-door policy to both his employees and clients to discuss any issue relating to business and the work they do. "Dealing with people is not always easy and it takes exceptional skills, especially where finances are involved. Part of my role is educating my team on how to manage client's expectations." The IDC KZN team is very passionate about development and constantly work to empower sustainable business entities. "We are customer focused and ensure that we provide a high level of service, our clients are extremely important as they are the foundation for the growth of our economy. Servicing clients may include identifying gaps in their business model that require attention or providing mentorship to assist their businesses to grow." The KwaZulu-Natal regional office's success has also grown out of the relationships it has forged with the public and private sectors, other development finance institutions, as well as commercial banks. In addition, Moodley says that although he and his team need to be very empathetic, they also need to be firm on the occasions that the IDC is unable to assist with applications for funding. He added that if a project is not sustainable there are valid reasons, and these are explained to the client in detail. We finance businesses that are sustainable and economically viable." Moodley's advice to anyone entering the finance industry is that they would need to have integrity and honesty. Although Moodley is very comfortable with his current achievements, he intends to ensure that the IDC continues to have an impact on the lives of people who require support. He believes that the KwaZulu-Natal province has many opportunities and it's vital to tap into these. Moodley is married with one son. During the weekends, he enjoys relaxing at home and often spends time cooking to unwind. When possible, he and his family enjoy travel to ensure that they spend quality time together. PAT MOODLEY has been in the financial sector for over 30 years, where the desire to promote sustainable business development and economic growth has shaped his career. After completing his initial university degree, Moodley obtained a position in the banking sector focusing on financing of SMMEs and corporates. This experience, as well as working for other finance institutions, resulted in a position at the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) where he has worked for the past 19 years. Moodley says, "Working for IDC is not only a job, but it is also a calling." He explained that he is driven by the desire to grow viable and sustainable businesses that have social impact; especially businesses that create jobs to counter the high rate of unemployment. Moodley says that he is motivated daily by the fact that once he reaches retirement age, he will be able to reflect on his achievements and the difference that he has contributed to enhance the business sector in KZN under his leadership at the IDC. "I am inspired by making a difference. When you finance businesses and can see the growth in these entities, it gives a great sense of accomplishment. He added that when you finance a business that creates jobs, then families can enhance their lives and secure a better future for their children. By creating jobs, we are creating a sustainable country that ensures our future. Young and upcoming university graduates have a likelihood of being employed locally rather than moving out of the country." The commitment to his multifaceted role is apparent in the long and demanding hours that Moodley puts in to ensure that his clients' needs are met. He says, "Working at the IDC is not a standard eight to five job."Moodley describes himself as being very people oriented and has an open-door policy to both his employees and clients to discuss any issue relating to business and the work they do. "Dealing with people is not always easy and it takes exceptional skills, especially where finances are involved. Part of my role is educating my team on how to manage client's expectations." The IDC KZN team is very passionate about development and constantly work to empower sustainable business entities. "We are customer focused and ensure that we provide a high level of service, our clients are extremely important as they are the foundation for the growth of our economy. Servicing clients may include identifying gaps in their business model that require attention or providing mentorship to assist their businesses to grow." The KwaZulu-Natal regional office's success has also grown out of the relationships it has forged with the public and private sectors, other development finance institutions, as well as commercial banks. In addition, Moodley says that although he and his team need to be very empathetic, they also need to be firm on the occasions that the IDC is unable to assist with applications for funding. He added that if a project is not sustainable there are valid reasons, and these are explained to the client in detail. We finance businesses that are sustainable and economically viable." Moodley's advice to anyone entering the finance industry is that they would need to have integrity and honesty. Although Moodley is very comfortable with his current achievements, he intends to ensure that the IDC continues to have an impact on the lives of people who require support. He believes that the KwaZulu-Natal province has many opportunities and it's vital to tap into these. Moodley is married with one son. During the weekends, he enjoys relaxing at home and often spends time cooking to unwind. When possible, he and his family enjoy travel to ensure that they spend quality time together.
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Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd (IDC)


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The IDC has offices in all nine provinces in order to provide niche and innovative funding products that are aimed at enhancing and growing the country’s regional economies



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Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd (IDC)

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Pat Moodley

Building Better Businesses

The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) was established in 1940 to promote economic growth and industrial development in South Africa and, by extension, the rest of the African continent.

The IDC has offices in all nine provinces in order to provide niche and innovative funding products that are aimed at enhancing and growing the country’s regional economies.

Under the strong leadership of KZN Regional Manager, Pat Moodley the KwaZulu Natal (KZN) office is flying the colours of the IDC really high. The KZN regional office can always be counted amongst the top performing offices within the IDC and once again secured its position as the second best performing province in the last financial year outside head office.

The Corporation’s key sectors in the province include the textile, clothing, and footwear industries which are key drivers of the KZN economy, especially because of the easy access to the Durban port for exports and imports. Other economic sectors supported include agro-processing, chemicals, plastics and medical products; wood and furniture products; automotive and transportation; machinery and equipment; electronics, basic metals, tourism, infrastructure, as well as energy.

The KZN regional office is well networked within the province of KwaZulu-Natal. “We have a stakeholder engagement plan and one of our key focus areas is visiting the eight district municipalities every quarter, outside eThekwini Municipality. Our team meets with each of the local economic development managers to build a pipeline of projects so that we can extend our reach to all corners of the province and stimulate investment in the region,” explains Moodley.

“With industrialisation comes development, which includes job creation and localisation. An additional element, which we actively focus on is the growth and empowerment of black industrialists, youth and women owned businesses,” he added.

During the Covid-19 lockdown, the IDC went through a realignment process to enable the Corporation to better serve its clients. As a result, the Small Business Finance and Regions (SBF) strategic business unit, which houses all regional offices, was established to streamline offerings and better serve the IDC’s diverse clients, especially those outside of Gauteng.

The realignment process brought about a key focus on the SME sector and enhancement of turnaround times for clients. To reduce the number of touch points, the regional offices now handle funding proposals up to R20 million from cradle to grave, while transactions over this amount are immediately referred to the relevant business unit at head office for further processing. This process means that the client deals with the relevant person from day one, significantly reducing the turnaround time for applications.

The KZN regional office has a strong and committed team that is client orientated, focused, and has an open-door policy. They are there to help all clients and have strong relationships with other funding entities in the province. If a project does not meet the IDC’s mandate, the KZN team goes the extra mile to not only refer them to a more suitable institution but walk the journey with the client to ensure that they land in the correct hands. “Our responsibility as a development finance institution is to assist clients. If we can’t assist in line with our mandate, we will pass clients on to other relevant development finance institutes with whom we have very good relationships,” explained Moodley.

A recent beneficiary of IDC funding is ARTsolar, which is South African owned and based in New Germany. The company, one of two local manufacturers specialising in high volume manufacturing of solar panels, has now embarked on a massive upgrade of its production facility. The IDC’s investment has resulted in significant employment opportunities created by the Durban- based company and extends within other companies in the value chain.

Significantly, the KZN regional office played a pivotal role in assisting the province recover from the unrest experienced in July 2021 and the floods in April 2022.

“In response to the unrest and the floods the KZN team worked around the clock to ensure that as many businesses were swiftly put back online and were able to operate again. We really didn’t close the door on anyone and we tried to take away some of the pain and devastation that both businesses and the community were experiencing,” explained Moodley.

The IDC’s post-unrest and flood relief interventions not only provided funding but assisted in ‘building business back better’. “Where necessary, old equipment was replaced, which has resulted in greater efficiencies and more globally competitive operations. In some cases, this intervention allowed not only jobs to be preserved, but more jobs to be created,” explained Moodley.

In response to the hardships that were being faced, the IDC further assisted eligible businesses by extending funds at zero percent interest over 12 months which was followed by a very low interest rate thereafter. Grants which allowed fixed expenses such as salaries to be paid while rebuilding was in progress also largely assisted government’s efforts in the recovery and stabilising of the KZN’s economy.

In addition to the business recovery efforts, the IDC also has a very strong corporate social responsibility programme which also played a huge role in assisting affected communities, especially those in remote and rural areas, to rebuild their lives. Moodley explained, “We have a long history of working among the communities of KZN. During the unrest and the floods, we made sure that the underprivileged communities affected were given the assistance they needed to ease their plight.”

The IDC’s KZN team is committed to working with entrepreneurs and communities alike to grow the province’s economy by providing funding which will enable job creation and improve the lives of its citizens.

Full Name of Company: The Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd (IDC)
Nature of Business: Development Finance Institution.
Holding Company: Self-financing corporation owned by the South African Government
Date Established: 1940

Grow sustainable industries. Support entrepreneurs. Improve lives.

Create globally competitive industries realising Africa’s potential.

Our day-to-day activities and business conduct are guided by our values.
• Passion
• Partnership
• Professionalism

Regional Manager KZN: Pat Moodley

Physical Address: Office 2101, 21st Floor, The Embassy Building, 199 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001 Postal Address: P.O. Box 2411, Durban, 4000
Tel: +27 (0)31 337 4455

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