UA-8884037-5 Sheryl SmithiesBecoming a dentist was never her plan, but Sheryl Smithies has proved that just because your life doesn't go exactly to plan, it doesn't mean you can't make a success of itBecoming a dentist was never her plan, but Sheryl Smithies has proved that just because your life doesn't go exactly to plan, it doesn't mean you can't make a success of it. Sheryl overcame her disappointment when she didn't get into medical school, and found a new path. She grabbed her opportunities, found a mentor to guide in her early career, and once she'd earned the experience she needed, launched her own dental practice. She's grown the business to three chairs, and gained a reputation for cutting-edge technology that helps clients look and feel their best. Sheryl had always planned to study medicine and it was huge blow when she wasn't accepted into medical school. Distraught and confused about her next move, she took the advice of a family friend who suggested she submit a late application for dentistry. He pointed out that sometimes students who were accepted, decide not to take up their offer. So at the last minute, Sheryl was offered a place at the University of Pretoria and grabbed it with both hands. "Originally I planned to try for a transfer to medicine after my first year, but once I was in dentistry, I realised I loved it." Describing herself as blessed in many ways, Sheryl notes that while many parents still prioritised education for boys, hers were 100% behind her - and were both willing and able to support her through university. "Dental school is a challenge for anyone," she says, "it's not just the academics, but the other challenges like limited access to dental labs and conflicting schedules." Sheryl remembers that some of her classmates had other responsibilities too, like jobs and children, while she was lucky to be able to focus all her energies on her studies. "I take my hat off to them," she says. "Not that everything was handed to me on plate," she points out. "I was always made aware that it was up to me to work for what I wanted, but it was certainly easier for me since I didn't have to worry about holding down a job while I studied." Skills and ethics are a sound basis for success Straight out of university, she joined a dental practice where she slotted straight in. "I believe that everyone needs a mentor. It's not always easy to find your feet in the working world straight out of university and I was lucky enough to find a boss and mentor who had strong ethics as well as great dental skills. I learnt so much from him and it was a great foundation for opening my own practice." Sheryl launched the Smile Emporium, eight years ago. "This was my dream, and I can't believe it's been eight years. It has gone in a blink. They say you need 10 000 hours before you're really proficient at what you do," she laughs. "I have more than 20 000 now, so I'm confident in my skills." Sheryl has a particular interest in aesthetics. Her number one focus is cosmetic dentistry which includes teeth alignment, whitening and digital smile design, and dental rehabilitation such as crowns, bridges and implants. But while she was perfecting her dental skills, Sheryl also studied some aesthetic medicine and offers non-invasive facial aesthetic treatments too. "It's makes perfect sense," says Sheryl. "No one knows facial structure quite like a dentist, and whether it's peels, Botox, fillers, thread-lifts or micro-needling, we have a sound foundation in the science behind every treatment we offer." Sheryl is continually inspired by businesswomen around her. "I belong to a networking group and I've met some amazing women. Some of them have really had to fight a lot harder to forge their path. I've worked really hard too, but perhaps I've had it easier by comparison. Just being part of a profession is a big help in earning respect." A firm believer that women don't have to take a different approach to business, Sheryl suggests that they just do. "Women tend to lead from the heart. We want to build people up and support them, especially other women, and not just use them to reach our goals or climb the ladder." Sheryl is justifiably proud of her achievements, her practice, and the quality of their work. And she confesses she's driven and a bit of a workaholic. "I struggle to find a work-life balance, and that's something I still aspire to," she says. "But growing a business is hugely demanding." Looking to the future Pointing out that dental technology is making enormous strides, Sheryl hopes to use this to make a greater contribution in community outreach. "If you have dental problems, the government will take out problem teeth - but that's as far as the help goes. You won't get dentures." It's not easy to do dental work in the communities as there's a host of essential dental equipment that simply isn't transportable. But Sheryl is looking forward to harnessing new technology as soon as it's within reach. "With 3D scanning and 3D milling, we'll be able to measure, manufacture and fit dentures while patients wait. And we're nearly there." Looking back, Sheryl says that if she had to give herself one piece of advice it would be clear: "Don't be so easily led. Trust in yourself and your own judgment too." I believe that everyone needs a mentor. It's not always easy to find your feet in the working world straight out of university
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Cheryl Govender

CHERYL GOVENDER is the founder and owner of The Cake House in Pietermaritzburg. She is a qualified chef and professional cake artist. The Cake House has become a leading provider of designer cakes including engineered life-size cakes. Cheryl's exceptional cakes, each a masterpiece, have been featured in magazines and on television, and The Cake House is recognised as a leader in new age sugarcraft.

Cheryl is inspired by successful bakeries and cake artists. She explains, "This is a tough industry and requires not only talent, but a business mind, people skills, market insight, tenacity, and continuous learning and growth."

One of her biggest inspirations is Buddy Valastro, an American baker who is the star of the reality television series 'Cake Boss'.

Be clear about what must be achieved

Cheryl believes she got to where she is now and reached her goals by being clear about what she needed to achieve and why she needed to achieve them. She says her career started when she was fourteen when she was handed down decorating tools that her sister no longer needed. "Although I was a real tomboy, beating the boys at their own games in the streets, I did girly stuff when I went home, like playing with cake decorating tools and my dolls," she laughed.

Cheryl learned about sugar art by reading books from the municipal library and often left the kitchen in a mess after experimenting. Her Consumer Studies teacher recognised Cheryl's talent; arranged for her to attend a cake decorating course, and gave her a toolset, which she treasures to this day.
This teacher, now a retired school principal, adopted Cheryl as a daughter, helped her to believe in herself, and became her mentor to this day.
Cheryl won a Consumer Studies Inter School Award in matric due to her passion for cake decorating, but at that time she considered it a hobby, not a career.

After a year at college, Cheryl married and became a mother. She joined the corporate world but kept on making decorated cakes as a hobby to supplement her income. When her son was two years old, Cheryl entered and won the Pietermaritzburg Royal Show sugarcraft competition. This led to her teaching sugarcraft on a part-time basis at the now FET College in Northdale, something she continued passionately for 25 years. This Cheryl said, was fulfilling: "empowering women has always been close to my heart".

Focus on one thing and do it well

Cheryl gained wide experience in the corporate world, including ten years in shipping and international travel, before she started her own export business. This business crashed during the worldwide financial crisis of 2008 and she "fell back on her hands", starting a food catering business that also provided cakes. Cheryl made a few designer cakes assuming there was little market for these due to the high prices, but word of her quality and expertise spread and orders increased.

A traumatic divorce, the demands of being involved in catering, wedding décor, training and making cakes at the same time, made her realise that she needed to streamline her activities. In 2012 she decided to focus on one thing only and do it well and opened The Cake House. Cheryl, a single mom had herself, her mother's assistance, two children, and a house. As she had lost her vehicle, Cheryl went everywhere in running shoes while carrying cake ingredients and other items in a backpack.

Nothing was handed to her; she had no money and could not get a bank loan. Cheryl understood the risks involved but her faith and trust in God helped her. She managed to buy all her industrial baking equipment from a helpful appliance store on a three-month cash basis. Her business remains debt-free to this day.

Business skills are unrelated to gender

In Cheryl's view, women and men need the same business approach, as the skills required for a successful business are unrelated to gender. "Tenacity, hard work, honesty, patience and endurance are equally required from men and women." She does, however, concede that women face more challenges. She has had to face abuse, being a mother, and a divorce.

Achieving a work-life balance boils down to discipline for Cheryl. "It is necessary to make time for your family and yourself, and also to rest, but not working can be scary for a business owner with much to do," she says. "I've had to learn to set boundaries, say no, and cut myself off from work when it's time to relax and unwind." Gardening, time with her family and puppies, and doing things outside of the business help create a balance.

Brand ambassador

Cheryl is happy with what she has accomplished thus far and readily give others credit. Without her mother, she could not have set up The Cake House. Without the help of her husband Alan, her family, and staff members, she would not have been able to grow the business. She feels honoured having recently being appointed a brand ambassador with royal status, for Rolkem Colours, one of the world's largest food colourant providers.

While Cheryl is satisfied with the place she has reached, she is not comfortable about remaining there. Cheryl dreams of making the province proud of The Cake House as a tourism attraction. With a growing support structure in place, she is prepared to take risks within her means and take the business to the next level.

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