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TAFTA (The Association for
the Aged)

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TAFTA (The Association for
the Aged)

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Femada Shamam

Inspiring Active Ageing

The Association for the Aged (Tafta) is a non-profit organisation situated in Durban with more than 60 years of service in the sector of elder welfare. Our aim is to encourage the elderly to live as independent members of the community for as long as possible and to provide care for those who are no longer able to look after themselves.

Established in 1958, Tafta has been the leading provider of care and support focusing primarily on the needs of older persons and vulnerable groups in eThekwini. Our many support services contribute to our purpose of making dignity, growth and a meaningful life a realistic prospect for all elders. This is delivered through a basket of services including accommodation, community outreach and social work services.

Our unique proposition lies in creating value for clients and our partners with a key focus on outcomes and benefits. Our strength in healthcare, community outreach programmes and community development initiatives are our main differentiators. We seamlessly integrate our services with best-in-class processes and programmes that maximise efficiency, quality, safety and service excellence. All Tafta services are provided either free or at a nominal charge, and the organisation relies heavily on contributions from local businesses and individuals made through fundraising efforts.

Tafta provides the following services:

We provide suitable accommodation in 13 buildings, to +/- 1800 elders in our care; of which approximately 188 are in frail and assisted living care.

Residential Living
Independent older persons who are able to perform activities of daily living can be admitted into residential accommodation. Tafta homes offer a secure environment for elders who pay for lodging and have access to additional services such as home care services, meals, social work services and other activities.

Assisted Living
Tafta helps older persons with their activities of daily living such as cleaning their rooms, and carers to assist with personal hygiene and medication administration.

Community Support and Outreach
Support services such as Meals on Wheels, and home-based care services enable elders to continue living in their own homes for as long as is possible, hereby promoting Ageing in Place.

Opportunities for social interaction, entertainment and physical exercise programmes are provided at numerous community clubs and Wellness Centres. For elders who want to continue living independently in their homes, but who find it difficult to cope with life’s daily activities, Tafta offers a team of well-trained carers under the supervision of a nursing services manager who will call in as necessary to help. This is a paid service.

These services include care companion, occupational therapy, advisory nursing services, nursing services, and Mr. Fix it. Home Care Service duties include personal hygiene, assisting elders with day-to-day activities, shopping, and household duties such as cleaning, dusting and personal laundry.

Frail Care
Tafta offers 24-hour care and supervision to elders who are unable to care for themselves due to mental and/or physical frailty. These homes also offer rehabilitation care following an operation, or illness and day-care services to support working families care for elders in need.

Meals on Wheels
A nutritious ready-to-eat meal; can be delivered to the homes of housebound elders or those who are no longer able to cook for themselves. Deliveries are done on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Where essential, arrangements can be made to cover the weekend.

A nominal charge, based on income, covers the Meals on Wheels cost, so elders pay only what they can afford. The cost of each meal far exceeds our charges but we try to overcome this with the help of our various fundraising initiatives and long standing, generous donors.

Elder Care Research and Advocacy
Tafta engages with various government departments and civil society organisations on elder rights. Individual representation in conducting advocacy is challenging to influence substantial change to policies, programmes and services for elders. This is transparent as one attempts to access statistical data on elders provincially and nationally.

Tafta is the only elder care organisation advocating for the rights of our elders at local, national and international level. CEO Femada Shamam, represents the organisation on various platforms including International Association for Ageing, the Commonwealth Association for Ageing and Global Ageing Network, profiling the elders’ needs in South Africa. She also serves as the Africa Ambassador to the Commonwealth Association for Ageing. We have developed and facilitated Community Development Programmes to empower the youth and women of the KwaZulu-Natal province.

Full Name of Company: TAFTA (The Association for the Aged)
Industry Sector: Social and Community Services
Services / Products: Non-profit organisation – Care of the Elderly
Date Established: 1958
Customer Base: beneficiaries of service: ± 3500 older people (reduced, due to Covid-19)
No. of Employees: 135 permanent; 100 outsourced

CEO: Femada Shamam
Chief Financial Officer: Nita Sewpersad
Divisional Manager Support Services: Bernard Courtois
Divisional Manager HR /Admin: Marshnee Naidoo
Divisional Manager Fundraising, Marketing and Public Relations: Prevashni Naidu
Divisional Manager Operations: Yoshina Kistensamy

Physical Address: 80 Samora Machel Street, Durban, 4001
Postal Address: P.O. Box 2983 Durban, 4000
Tel: +27 (0)33 23 721
Fax: +27 (0)86 297 0798

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