Tune in tonight for the announcement of the CURRENT Top 20 Brands in KZN and the finalist in this years STANDARD BANK TOP BUSINESS AWARDS 2021
LIVE on our on KZN TOP BUSINESS CHANNEL tonight at 18.30
Furthermore, if you subscribe to the KZN TOP BUSINESS CHANNEL you could win... one of two super prizes below:
Torga Optical
A full comprehensive visual examination and a pair of spectacles to the value of R3500.
From Sarisha Haripershad, the owner and Optometrist of Torga Optical Ballito, Cornubia and Kwadukuza Mall.

High Tea At Beverly Hills Hotel
This weeks lucky draw prizes consisting of High Tea at the Beverley Hills Hotel for two people will also be awarded.

Continue voting for your top brand by simply sending an SMS with the word 'KZN' to '33808' and follow the promps.
Previouse winners of the luckey draw:
Tracy Clare and Karen Esbend - enjoy ladies
See you online.