Dr Fareed Amod is the founder, CEO, and head dental surgeon of Crown Dental Studio, which was established five years ago in 2018 at 289 Randles Road, Sydenham, Durban. Dr Amod commented, “My life is governed by the principles of hard work and determination. I have always had a passion for business; my natural entrepreneurial skills surfaced in primary school and grew as I progressed in life.
From a side hustle to make extra pocket money in high school, to funding my own studies towards my dental degree, I was always on the lookout for a business opportunity to help me earn my keep. Hence, it was only natural for me to lean towards starting my own business the day that I was able to.”
In addition, while working for an employer was never something that appealed to Dr Amod, the opportunity to be the employer, and provide employment opportunities for others, motivated him to take this leap at the age of twenty-four. “I have invested in training programmes for each individual, and I have aided them in acquiring new skills and pushed them towards becoming well rounded, hardworking individuals who each play an integral role as part of a team,” he explained.
Since inception to date, Dr Amod has prided himself in investing in the best possible form of equipment and materials. He believes that the type of products you use, directly impacts on the quality of the service you provide. The most interesting part of both himself and his business, says Dr Amod, is the approach he has implemented in the way he conducts his business. Being one of the youngest business leaders in his field, the method in which he has structured the integration of providing a health care service and running a successful business is most unique. He added, “Taking all the ethical considerations of healthcare services into account, ultimately the 21st century is the digital age, and this is the centre of my business model and has ensured that the business is a modern dentistry practice.”
“My starting point towards this venture was not easy. Having spent the seven years in full medical training, learning and refining the necessary skills required to perform dentistry of a high standard, I was not equipped with the formal business, financial and management skills required to start a business from scratch. This is where my years of informal entrepreneurial education came into play.”
“My entrepreneurial skills were something innate and those, together with my passion for business is what allowed me to successfully merge running a business with providing the highest possible level of healthcare. Thankfully these skills presented themselves naturally as I required them.”
Dr Amod also credits his father, whose strong business background assisted him in overcoming many of his early challenges and moulded him into the businessman he is today. Savvy and strategic business decisions have placed the business in a financially stable position, resulting in a lot more freedom for future expansions. Watching the vast growth of the business that has occurred within a small-time frame reiterates the potential the business has and for the plans Dr Amod has in store for future growth.
His future business plans and goals include the growth and development of Crown Dental Studio, but he is not limited to this. Currently, in the pipeline, are plans for the development of an entire medical facility centred around the same principles and work ethic that have proved successful with Crown Dental Studio. In addition to this, Dr Amod has recently founded Geelani Enterprises, which supplies quality medical and dental consumables and equipment.

“My business is the only dental practice in South Africa, to my knowledge; that operates on a twenty-four-hour basis and this is not limited to emergency dentistry treatment. This is not only a fact of interest about Crown Dental Studio, but also an emphasis on the levels of dedication and commitment which govern our practice. We are committed to supporting our patients at any and all stages of their oral care journey,” explained Dr Amod. “My digital footprint and my social media platforms can account for my unique flair for marketing and the approach I have taken to embed my business into the memory of South Africans. So, watch this space as I anticipate much growth in the next five years.”
No matter what your family’s needs are, we offer a wide range of services to support a healthy smile. Schedule an appointment with us today!
T: +27 81 207 8621