UA-8884037-5 Dr Ahmed Shaikh – Adapt or die for education
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Dr Ahmed Shaikh – Adapt or die for education

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

Higher education institutions have long been considered to be the repositories of knowledge and learning and the structures through which knowledge is produced and disseminated. They have survived sweeping societal changes created by technology – the moveable-type printing press, previous industrial revolutions, information and communication technologies, electronic media and computers.

Today, however, higher education institutions appear to be susceptible to technology disruption as much as other information-centric industries such as the news media, magazines and journals, encyclopaedias, music, movies and TV. This can be reflected in the fact that the transmission of knowledge does not have to be tethered to a fixed location or campus. The technical affordability of cloud-based computing, Artificial Intelligence based learning platforms, massive

open online courses, high-quality streaming video, and ‘just-intime’ information gathering have pushed vast amounts of knowledge to the ‘placeless’ World Wide Web. This has sparked a re-examination of the role of contemporary higher education institutions within society.

Developments including the globalisation of services work, the increasing value of domain expertise, rapid developments in educational technology and the rise of online open courses are creating both challenges and opportunities for incumbents as well as new entrants. The unbundling of research, educational delivery, content and block chain certification means that new business models and ways of engaging students will be at the heart of future higher education landscape.

With the world in a state of major transition, education in general, and higher education in particular, becomes critical in this seismic shift because the transitions being experienced are centred on two essential elements – knowledge and skills. In addition, the pace of the decay of knowledge has increased significantly. In the past, a university student would enrol for a degree, graduate, and live off the knowledge obtained for at least 10 years. Today, by the time a qualification is achieved, the knowledge and competencies need to be refreshed.

Without world-class expertise in our domain, we are reduced to being commodities. As these pools of deep knowledge around the world are connected, the phenomenon of collective intelligence is beginning to emerge. While this idea is not new, it is only in the last decade that we have become so richly connected through technology that collective intelligence is moving from a dream to reality. This is a major shift in who we are, our human identity, and in how we learn.

The advent of and necessity for continual re-skilling will impact most on the graduate professional education segment, which has traditionally been structured around one- and two-year masters’ degree programmes. A widely held view is that such graduates will consume this lifelong learning in short spurts when they need it, rather than in relatively lengthier blocks of time as is the case presently. Equally, there appear to be many trends, pressures, and concerns that society through its political and economic leadership is imposing on higher education institutions.

In today’s job market there is an increasing need for training and retraining of individuals. Thus, a focus on job-oriented education and on economic participation is driving an emphasis on relevance or on what can be called vocationalism – and thus changing the demand structure for higher education with profound effects on the support of, demand for, and appropriate preparation of participants for a rapidly changing job market that requires 21st century skills and competencies.

The trend in economies is to turn from manufacturing to service, in which most new jobs do not require advanced education. Rather, human skill in creativity, imagination and problem-solving will become key differentiators in a hybrid workforce that involves collaboration between human talent and technology in the form of smart machines and robots.

Finally, in conceding that education in general and higher education in particular are on the brink of huge disruptions, two questions have become paramount. What should young people be learning? And what credentials will indicate that they would be ready for the workforce? We believe that in order to remain relevant, higher education will have to fundamentally reorganise its current (post-industrial) model and engage in deep curriculum reform in order to match the skills revolution required for a complex and uncertain future.

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