UA-8884037-5 Esinam Global - Boss up for only R2790!
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Esinam Global - Boss up for only R2790!

If ever you were looking for a sign to pursue that business ...THIS IS IT!!

And it doesn't stop there, we are offering a package worth R27 900 at 90% OFF!!! Yes, meaning you only pay R2 790!!!

So, what's in the kit?

  • Hustlers' MBA (User-friendly business tips for the broke entrepreneur incl. business plan template)

  • Simple business logo (as per your vision)

  • 1 pull up banner

  • 100 business cards

  • 100 A5 business services pamphlets

  • 1 pager Website (including business email)

Send inquiries to :

067 114 1827 (Strictly 9am - 4pm)

065 601 8607 (Strictly 9am - 4pm)

Esinam Global Business Services

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  • YouTube
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