Article by Nikita Pillay

PDA is a behavioural assessment that through a simple, precise, and scientific methodology allows us to discover and analyse peoples’ behavioural profiles.
The PDA is a behavioral assessment that provides information on an individual’s natural behavior, and role behavior. It is an analysis of specific words (Semantics) concerned with the meanings and relations between them, which generates into an analysis report.
It also allows us to evaluate the behavioural and competency requirements of a job thereby ensuring you select and develop the right people into the right positions.
The PDA has a 90% reliability rate, is scientifically verified, has ISO9001 certification, meets U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requirements and is internationally validated by American Institute of Business Psychology (AIOBP)
The PDA platform is ideal for Organizations to identify, develop and/or retain talent, job fit/matching, leadership development, team dynamics, and for Individuals to understand their strengths and development areas to improve job/career prospects, leadership style, decision making approach, people skills. The PDA Assessment does not classify behavioral profiles as “good or bad”; it merely describes the individual’s behavioural characteristics and traits.
The PDA behaviour profile is defined in terms of:
Risk - the degree to which a person tends to take risks to achieve results.
Extroversion - the degree to which a person desires or is inclined to interact with other individuals, persuade and please people to achieve results.
Patience - the degree to which a person tends to respond in a patient and peaceful manner to achieve results.
Compliance - the degree to which a person requires to conform to norms and procedures to achieve results.
The PDA assessment enables one to:
Assess behaviour, energy, and emotional indicators.
Analyse the competencies of individuals and teams.
Recruit the best candidates for the role during the recruitment process.
Assess competency frameworks and skills-gaps.
Provide guidance for effective succession planning.
Develop leaders and leadership skills.
Design career development plans for employees.
Identify communication and conflict styles.
Improve self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
Enable personal growth and development.
Some of the many reports generated by taking the PDA are as follows:
PDA Report - A comprehensive behavioural report detailing the candidate’s leadership, sales, and communication styles. This report provides detailed descriptions of the candidate’s natural behaviour style as well as behaviour modification in work and other contexts. Natural competency style and fit to generic competencies are provided in this report as well. Detailed information regarding strengths and possible areas of development (strengths that become overused) is given as well as information regarding environment factors that are required to keep the candidate engaged and motivated.
Job Fit Report - This report provides details of the candidate’s fit to a pre-determined (either system generated or customised) job profile. Details regarding the fit to the different competencies required for success in this job role are provided as well as overall percentage job fit
Competency Report - This report provides a percentage match of a candidate (based on his/her natural behavioural style) to a set of system generated or customised competencies. The system contains generic, agile and entrepreneur competencies.
Leadership Matching Report - This report provides details of two candidates, one of whom has been allocated into a leadership role and the other in a subordinate position and reporting into the managerial candidate.
Details of the managerial candidate’s leadership and communication style are provided as well as the environmental factors needed to keep the subordinate candidate engaged and motivated.
The natural behaviours of both candidates are assessed in the PDA and are compared and how their style will manifest in the behaviour of a managerial candidate is indicated in the report.
DRG has Internationally Accredited PDA Specialists that can help facilitate these assessments, help you understand the 25-30-page PDA report, and provide you with constructive feedback.

Contact Person:
Nikita Pillay