Last Christmas was not much fun for a lot of people. No large family gatherings. No trips to the beach. No eating out, or flying off somewhere on holiday.
For elders living at The Association for The Aged (Tafta), Covid-19 lockdowns meant missing out on their annual festive lunch. Although the kitchen staff pulled out all the stops to serve special meals to individuals in their rooms, it just was not the same.
“That is why we are determined to give our elders a real festive get together this year. Most of our elders have had their vaccinations and with lockdown restrictions easing, we are hoping for the best and planning festive lunch menus, dates and venues. To do this, we need the generous support of our donors once again; because, although we call them ‘our’ Tafta lunches, truthfully they are not ‘ours’. They are yours. It is the good people of Durban who make it possible for us to dish up 1 500 lunches to Durban’s elders over the festive season,” said Tafta CEO, Femada Shamam.
Your kindness means the world to pensioners who may not have any family of their own – and cannot afford to buy special treats for themselves. Not even a chocolate bar to enjoy with their tea on Christmas morning.
Being invited to Tafta’s festive lunches would mean the world to elders who have been greatly impacted by the social isolation and anxiety brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. For them, this would be a rare opportunity to get dressed up in their best clothes and sit down at a table laid with festive linen, tinsel, party hats and Christmas crackers while enjoying companionship, fun, laughter, music and dancing. And of course, a delicious traditional festive lunch. Tafta has outsourced the catering at the best possible price; with this year’s meal of roast chicken and lamb, crispy potatoes, veg and dessert amounting to just R125 per person.
“Your gift of R250 will pay for two friends to go to lunch together, while R500 pays for a table of four and a gift of R750 or R1 000 covers a table of six or eight. But, any amount you can give now will help bring Christmas cheer into our homes. In return, you will enjoy the warm feeling in your heart of knowing that you have given joy to a lonely elder, who might otherwise not have a proper Christmas,” explained Shamam.

If the worst comes to the worst and we find ourselves back in lockdown again this festive season, be assured that your meal will still be enjoyed by one of Tafta’s elders in the safety of his or her room. For more information on how you can spread joy this festive season, visit or call Kemmy-Leigh on 031 332 3721.
ABOUT Tafta – The Association for the Aged
Tafta is one of South Africa’s leading, registered non-profit organisation in Care in KZN.
Established in 1958, for more than 5 decades, Tafta has been the leading provider of Care focusing primarily on the needs of the elderly and vulnerable groups in Durban.
Our unique value proposition lies in creating value for clients and our partners with a key focus on outcomes and benefits. Our strength in healthcare, community outreach programmes and community development initiatives are our main differentiators. We seamlessly integrate our services with best in class processes and programmes that maximise efficiency, quality, safety and service excellence.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to encourage and promote active ageing in older people-to live as independent members of the community for as long as possible, and to care for those who are no longer able to look after themselves. Our aim is to alleviate distress of the elderly and other vulnerable groups by using our resources in the most effective and efficient manner and where the need is greatest.
Our Vision:
“Leaders in innovative solutions for elders, inspiring a life worth living”