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Marlene Powell - Creating a C.A.R.E eco-system for business

You have two choices as a business owner. When you look back on your life you will have either a:

  • Smile on your face, or

  • The pain of regret

- Inspired by Daniel Priestly

From my experience working with many different business owners, no matter what industry they are in or how long they have been in business, there are three very distinct differences I have experienced: -

Struggling Business: Not changing feels safer than embracing the times we are in. They try to do everything on their own and end up being busy rather than productive.

Lifestyle Business: Wants to have FUN, freedom and flexibility.

High Performing Business: They have a bold mission and a big purpose. They want to earn more at the expense of a work-life balance.

All three types of business owners make up our economy. And depending whether or not they are part of an eco-system for business will determine their failure or success in their


ActionCOACH provides C.A.R.E. – Community, Accountability, Results, and Education

A big focus for us in 2023 is the addition of group leveraged programmes for those business owners who are not ready for the intensity of one-on-one business coaching but want to make solid inroads towards a profoundly more successful business.

The C.A.R.E. eco-system is an advisory group for helping business owners to both grow personally and to grow their business through education, leadership, support, advice, accountability and teamwork provided by other business owners and leaders in their community.

The programme is designed to give members the opportunity to build valuable and life-long relationships, solve their business challenges, and learn strategies to grow their business in every area.

This eco-system surrounds our business owners with a team of talented people to help implement ideas with them. Mentors are provided to guide the participating business owners and the peer group is there to inspire them.

All business owners need to do is show up.

Why should business owners be a part of the C.A.R.E. eco-system?

Firstly – the group will put a smile on your face! The programme comprises:

  • Organised networking and alliance building sessions

  • Business to Business and Business to Client break-out peer to peer sessions

  • Amazing education

  • Networking lunch

  • Much more!

The C.A.R.E. eco-system provides opportunities to sell in the room, buy in the room, build referral partners, and meet future strategic alliances. We all are about building our business community. Through the programme you will meet more qualified customers and referral partners in half a day than you did in all of 2022 combined.

Currently business owners will try to achieve the above independently from each other, not as an eco-system, so they are required to take up more time trying to achieve the above. Whereas through the C.A.R.E eco-system for business they can enjoy everything they require on one platform. They can be confident that everyone who is part of this eco-system for business is wanting to achieve the same outcome.

Become part of the C.A.R.E eco-system for business Interested businesspeople are more than welcome to set up an initial call with me to find out when our next information session is. There they can learn more and ask any questions that they feel necessary to give them the confidence to join our C.A.R.E eco-system for business.

Contact me on or call 083 479 4471


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